04 January 2015

Be still. Get your fill. Do His will.

There are no strangers
there are no outcasts 
there are no orphans of God

Why is that such a moving lyric? Because that is how we all feel at one time or another. We feel outcast. We feel less-than. We feel abandoned. Those feelings subside when we abide. When we become more cognizant of our connection with God, who we are in Christ becomes our primary thought. The enemy will play havoc with our thoughts and emotions if we don't slam the door shut. Kick that liar to the curb.

He is the one who was cast out. You are the one who has been brought near.
He is less-than. You are more-than! You are more than a conqueror in Christ. His head is crushed under your foot.
He is the abandoned one - he abandoned his post. You are the adopted one! God chose YOU. He wants YOU. YOU are His desire. Glory!! 

If you have been feeling less-than, cast out or abandoned, quit letting the devil play in your mind. Those are his thoughts so let him keep them. You take those thoughts captive and put in the thoughts of God.
Ephesians 1:6 - You are accepted in the Beloved.
Romans 8:15  - You are adopted by God! Cry out to Him, "Papa!"
2 Corinthians 2:14 - God always causes you to triumph in His name and we "make manifest the savour of His knowledge...in every place." More on that next time.

Be still.
Get your fill.
Then go do His will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read this now--guess it got buried in my inbox after my vacation!

But just wanted to tell you thank you Della--this was awesome! It's so good to be reminded of all this! :-)

Adele Leach